Abortion of Justice
This was written in 2012 in response to continuing and escalating authoritarian abuses carried out by the US legal system and the citizens who enable these abuses. As one who has been of long-term interest to said system, I view it critically and without pity – it is not a necessary evil.
Is evil ever necessary? While good must say no, evil will always insist on yes. This is worth noting.
Contrary to proffered promotion, law enforcement is not designed to help the citizens; it is designed to punish particular individuals for certain infractions of specific codes. As a personal example (that I know has many similar examples across the nation), the legal system has punished me many times, most without just cause, but it has never helped me. Where it has punished me with “just cause,” I got a speeding ticket or two over the course of over 40 years’ driving, and more than a few parking tickets.
Where they have punished me unjustly? Setting me up for arrest – grown adults entrapping high school kids. Went to jail for that and paid a huge fine. Had a couple of cops throw a dead body in front of me and then put the fear of meeting God into me, because I knew they knew where to find me and my family. I have had over 25 cops point their loaded guns at me – never arrested, or even accused of anything. This list goes on.
Suffice it to say I am not a fan of the legal system, predominantly because it has never been a friend to me. In my film work I have employed local police officers, and while we got along famously (because I paid them so well), I have found them, pretty much across the board, to be highly disdainful of minorities. Racist is the popular term. (While individual officers have helped the producers of the films I hired them for, the legal system did not, in these instances, directly help me.)
The term “miscarriage of justice” strikes me as disingenuous. Miscarriage is a medical condition, an act of God, and linguistically allows us to smooth over the nastiness of what the legal system does by moving it to a third party, thereby absolving it of responsibility because that mean old God did it.
“Abortion of Justice” places it right back where it belongs, on the hands and heads of those who bring evil to the fore and benefit from its promulgation.
Abortion of Justice
To fit within society
For many a contortion
A tension anxiety
We find ourselves in torsion
Tweaked by our polarities
Try to maintain proportion
Spend less time upon our knees
As we scramble for our portion
Some would advance
Upon other’s decline
Such arrogance
Is seldom benign
One’s circumstance
Must another define
The furtherance
Of the will to malign
The strident stance
Upon the thin blue line
More malfeasance
As corruptions align
And lawmakers combine
A systemic design
Fiefdoms finance
Through collection of fine
Gamed governance
To the black hole consign
The relevance
We no longer enshrine
Through ignorance
Innocence too confine
With acceptance
As blame we assign
Systematic decline
Law is poorly served in justice
Based upon distortion
Don’t call it a miscarriage
When it’s clearly an abortion
Abortion of justice
We will get our daze in court
Extortion adjust us
We abide while they distort
Contortion to bust us
Melanin makes guilty sort
Small portion for just us
Justice systems do abort
In the deep south where they drawl
While referrin’ to ya’ all
Talking loud and walking tall
Texan virtue they extol
Racism and alcohol
Ever searching for a brawl
Engines revving brains on stall
Egos huge but IQs small
When answering duty’s call
It’s among the poor they trawl
So far down to make them crawl
Demands little wherewithal
Every black man to befall
Legal system’s hooded pall
Or poor fucker that they sprawl
Tase to transport to the hall
Of law where the crimes appall
Justice gagged against the wall
Someone has to take the fall
The system needs an overhaul
Law is poorly served in justice
Based upon distortion
Don’t call it a miscarriage
When it’s clearly an abortion
Abortion of justice
We will get our daze in court
Extortion adjust us
We abide while they distort
Contortion to bust us
Melanin makes guilty sort
Small portion for just us
Justice systems do abort
It was dark I could not see
The face was oh so shadowy
Blade made it too hard to flee
They all look alike to me
Not white punk on a crime spree
Drifter lacking charity
Death row knows no liberty
Random held in custody
Black man lined up hands not free
Prompted for identity
They all look alike to me
Convicted by mendacity
Modern form of slavery
Injustice the certainty
We all look alike to me
Abortion of justice
It’s disorder in the court
Distortion, just trust us
When tall tales come up short

Proportion combust us
Deformed in the form of tort
Distortions disgust us
Court where criminals consort
Justice does not miscarry
Blindly allocating doom
It is freedom that we bury
Ripping justice from the womb
The song of the sory here: https://artahammer.bandcamp.com/track/abortion-of-justice
© 2012 Arturo Hammer