The world is a playground
To these boys dressed up as men
Their amusement is their
Duty as a citizen
All the powers of an adult
And maturity about ten
An evolutionary insult
That won’t happen again
Huffy haughty stuffy snotty
Obnoxious asshole children
Whack off hack cough jackoffs
Disguise themselves as gentlemen
Assume the highest reaches
Bottom dwelling denizen
Then topple down like all bad boys
For want of oxygen
In a world overrun by boys
Displaying with their deadly toys
Swing tiny dick - make a big noise
Prove immaturity destroys
There is no more rite of passage
Now just a blurred vision quest
To find a cheap Thai massage
Drop your wad upon her chest
If she lets you grope her breast
Tell your friends – they’ll be impressed
Don’t admit though that you messed
Before you even got undressed
So then one must ask
Does fucking make a man
Seems to me that women fuck
And they have since we began
So fucking doesn’t do it
Another measure we must field
So that we can finally have
Our manhood revealed
In a world overrun by boys
Displaying with their deadly toys
Swing tiny dick - make a big noise
Prove immaturity destroys
Some think you become a man
Because you reproduce
Even elk can sire young
Are you man or moose
Can you recite your religion
Even parrots can repeat
Perhaps when you get a job
Gary Colman had to eat
How about when you serve
For flag and for country
They feed they clothe they house you
Total dependency
Perhaps when you kill someone
Lions kill are they then men
Boys play war from shore to shore
They have and will again
Not because they are men
But because as boys they do as told
As children transfixed by flash
And the shininess of gold
React without consideration
Acting out of puerile spite
Seek gain in retaliation
Every conflict they incite
Turns our turn in paradise
To just picking through the mess
Of boys prepared to sacrifice
Each of us for their excess
In a world overrun by boys
Displaying with their deadly toys
Swing tiny dick - make a big noise
Prove immaturity destroys
Waa waa, why won’t it go my way
Mama, won’t life do as I say
Ha ha, hold my breath till I turn blue
Papa, can I move back in with you
© 2011