Our cities sink in disrepair
While infrastructures crumble
The people fall into despair
Where even the deft stumble
Where hubris kills the market share
Into disrepute tumble
The morass of the millionaire
The arrogant aren’t humble
Leaders then loudly declare
Such words unfit to mumble
For constituency Care
Internal gasses rumble
Everybody pick a side
All of our great castes are classes
Where we learn how to decide
What is bad and who is good
Who to hate, what to esteem
Why we don’t do what we should
As members of them asses’ team
Their outpouring of concern
In their bowels charities churn
Time invested must return
Low yield love is what they spurn
Money stole, contempt they earn
Behind scenes the wheels turn
Ethos remains slash-and-burn
Clearly, we will never learn
Knee deep in the teaming masses
Everyone’s on the wrong side
Dropping bombs and missing passes
The wise know to run and hide
To the right, to the left
Center not safe as may seem
Abundantly bereft
The players on them asses’ team
Talking heads implore you
Listening ears ignore you
Deplorables adore you
The adorable deplore you
The broken up restore you
The unstable they shore you
Uninteresting bore you
Compellingly abhor you
Engulfed in the teaming masses
Stuck up on the underside
Much bad gas so many asses
Buy the ticket take the ride
To the bottom or the top
As the blind cheerleaders scream
To never go don’t have to stop
Playing on them asses’ team
© 2022 ArtAHammer
Arturo Hammer 1/17/22