Daddy was a good old boy
Shallow Southie moving west
Bad thinking got good employ
Mad drinking bought him the rest
Mommy weren’t of temperament
Had scant interest in her brood
Rancor built without relent
An abusive attitude
Daddy brutalized his babies
Mommy offered only shrugs
No time for ifs, ands, or maybes
Blinders supplement earplugs
Through it all the battered spawn
Subject to relentless trauma
Fled the fount from whence they’re drawn
Right into a courtroom drama
Believe that the story stands
Even when it starts to wobble
Give it more than it demands
Crippled but it still won’t hobble
Lots of cash exchanging hands
At the trough the ravening gobble
Legal rebukes and reprimands
Results of a family squabble
A generation after the fact
A savage attack came flooding back
A revelation’s pithy extract
The ravaging smack, cry, and bone crack
A declaration of odious pact
The panic flashback, the pieces stack
Of desecration and vile impact
A manic bushwhack empathy’s lack
Re-covered dream hypnotist backed
A tragic act emotion blowback
Discovered theme reality lacked
In magic tracked there is no go-back
Uncovered scheme with TV contract
Attention attract along with greenback
Recovered steam through the inexact
Intention intact, paid elegiac
Daddy was rapey did that make him killy
The jury and judge were convinced
The charges and charger could even seem silly
For a guilty verdict evinced
Convicted of murder by single accuser
Who was revealed as a lair of note
Law as the winner and justice the loser
When bias gets its turn to vote
Believe that the story stands
Even when it starts to wobble
Give it more than it demands
Crippled but it still won’t hobble
Lots of cash exchanging hands
At the trough the ravening gobble
Legal rebukes and reprimands
Results of a family squabble
Evil recalled, crime is pinned
Upon a harsh revenge ginned
Debt for all the times he sinned
Daddy reaped the whirlwind
©2023 ArtAHammer
3/29/23 Arturo Hammer
Bad Imagination
The spotlight’s as a magnet
It draws in the ironic
To thrash about loquacious
No place for the laconic
Provide the suckers succor
The chronics puffs of chronic
Everyone gets what they want
Revel in the moronic
An axe to grind
A bone to pick
Do we not bleed
Upon the prick
In just desserts
The bitch payback
Defense? Attack!
It was merely a case
Of bad imagination
Narcissistic tendencies
Taken to extremes
A lie on the face
Attention whoring nation
Conflicting dependencies
Where nothing’s as it seems
If I recall correctly
It all shook out like this
Though I tell it differently
My story’s not amiss
I’m not quite sure which version
I might impart to you
Just so that you believe me
That all I say is true
Even though the details change
The facts we can’t deny
At least you know I’m honest
When I tell you it’s a lie
Victims of the vanities
A need to be respected
Injustice inanities
Jurisprudence rejected
Incipient insanities
The imperfect perfected
Again failing humanities
Celebrity corrected
It was always a case
Of bad imagination
Narcissist contingencies
Phony fever dreams
A legal disgrace
Judicial masturbation
Inflicting exigencies
Where all is as it seems
© 2023 ArtAHammer
3/26/23 Arturo Hammer