Ask not for what’s in the box
For in the box is you
Your presence there the system chalks
Up to your life’s miscue
If you had upheld your rocks
And not bid them adieu
They’d be there for future talks
And trips down to the zoo
Alas we face the paradox
Unsure what we must do
Staving dementia praecox
A temporary view
Relentlessly the system mocks
Reviewed askance askew
The sucking of a million cocks
Into your ass they screw
Big Box Bullshit
All your problems in one place
What they don’t shove up your ass
They dangle in your face
Say you crave electronics
Few places still remain
To give you the power fix
Your presence entertain
With machines we buy machines
No humans need engage
When machines fail to machines
No machines will enrage

As systems are built to fail
Remote commerce is best
Buyer’s remorse anger wail
Won’t lead to your arrest
Unless we’re talking cardiac
While playing money tag
Owners driving Cadillacs
While we go in the bag
Big Box Bullshit
Where our problems all amass
What they don’t shove down your throat
They jam it up your ass
Ask not then what’s in the bag
For in the bag is us
Goodies there on which to gag
As choking hazardous
The promise of endless swag
As Hell is cavernous
Perfect but for one small snag
An ethos venomous
Kneel before the branding flag
The bill is omnibus
Underneath the Best Buy tag
We’re all thrown under bus
Big Box Bullshit
All our problems in one pile
One goes in your ass and mouth
The rest will take a while
© 2021 ArtAHammer
9/13/21 Arturo Hammer
Wordness to the turdness