He wanted to be emperor
He wanted to be king
He wanted to be everyman
And to have everything
He wanted to be held aloft
To hear his praises sing
As a predator he knew
Forsooth to prey's the thing
Made his little business deals
His rapine pillaging
Celebrity, the world kneels
Infinite posturing
Imposed upon our eyes and ears
Attention purchasing
Love to play upon our fears
Empire through bullying
It appears our limits have been reached
Now the law is fitfully beseeched
On their knees the fearsome screechers preached
The bastard’s finally been impeached
As a wife he loves his daughter
Even more, or so he’s said
At thirteen she still was hotter
At pater’s knee was where she fed
Just another rich globe-trotter
Ill-mannered begat ill-bred
One more tainted glass of water
Far too often visited
It appears our limits have been reached
Now the law is fitfully beseeched
On their knees the fulsome preachers screeched
The bastard’s finally been impeached
Through each exhortation to stop
He failed right to the top
Through crime, mishap, and blunder
He fails but it’s we who go under
Through a mendacity unending
We still keep on pretending
A corrupt system in failing health
Will somehow just heal itself
It appears our limits have been reached
Now the law is fitfully beseeched
On their knees the fulsome screechers preached
The bastard’s finally been impeached
For some it’s too good to believe
The chance to give this Ho a Heave
It is a system inclined to deceive
What if the bastard doesn’t leave?
© 2020 ArtAHammer